Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Website

I have just created my own website.

My Wiki

This is my wiki

Wiki is an online space that allows you to share information, knowledge and ideas without the use of email. It is collaborative and allows any reader to add or edit information. Its is easy, fun and creative.
The important things to remember about using a wiki, however is that you must trust the people who have access to the wiki as information can be changed.

I really like the online example of how wiki's can be used in an educational setting usch as the online text book. What a wonderful way for students to engage and work collaboratively. It allows students to be creative and access and add information from a variety of resources that can be shared with their peers.

ICT Frameworks and Theory

After reading 'A framework for technology-based teaching and learning' (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1998) and The Big6 (Eisenberg & Berkowitz), the Big6 is the framework I would perfer to use to teach information and technology skills to students. It is a problem-solving model that focesses on engaging students in six carefully scaffolded steps to solve an information problem. It is a natural process that can be done individually for colloraboratively. It is authentic and easy to follow and can be applied to non ICT situations such as education and work. The Big6 engages students in essential life skills that can be integrated into classroom activities and curriculum.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Blogging in an Educational Setting

I believe that blogging is a excellent way for students to learn collaboratively. Students can access a range of resources online and share them with others.
Students have the ability to express themselves, work at their own pace and explore the variety of tools available online.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My First Blog!

WOW! I cannot believe I am blogging! I am a native to this so I am excited about learning all about blogging, wiki's etc.
I was suprised just how easy it was to set up a blog and start posting. I have plenty to learn about tools so I will start to have a look.