Wednesday, July 21, 2010

ICT Frameworks and Theory

After reading 'A framework for technology-based teaching and learning' (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1998) and The Big6 (Eisenberg & Berkowitz), the Big6 is the framework I would perfer to use to teach information and technology skills to students. It is a problem-solving model that focesses on engaging students in six carefully scaffolded steps to solve an information problem. It is a natural process that can be done individually for colloraboratively. It is authentic and easy to follow and can be applied to non ICT situations such as education and work. The Big6 engages students in essential life skills that can be integrated into classroom activities and curriculum.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tessa
    I totally agree with you that The Big 6 is not only a worthwhile ICT framework but one that could be used in the classroom everyday.

    Throughout this assignment of exploring different digital tools I have unconsciously apllied Eisenbergs Big 6 to my learning. Especially since many of the tools in which we have been required to explore have been new to me.

    I also like your comments about The Big 6 engaging students in essential life skills. These skills are such an important thing that students need to experience and learn about during their school life.
